دوشنبه ۱ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ - ۲۳:۵۸

دوشنبه ۱ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ - ۲۳:۵۸

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۱ مرداد, ۱۴۰۳
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۳۰ تیر, ۱۴۰۳
نویسنده: زری
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Do not Miss the Historical Opportunity for Resolving Nuclear Crisis and Repelling Threats!

Contrary to Ahmadinejad’s claim, the international sanctions have seriously affected our country’s economy, increased the cost of raw material, interrupted or slowed down the exchange process, increased insurance costs, deteriorated investment in various economy sectors such as oil and gas, and caused high inflation and unemployment.

The nuclear dispute has entered a critical situation. To resolve the dispute, aside from the imposition of international sanctions against Iran, the European Union and the United States have launched a new set of efforts by proposing an economic and political incentives package. This package is a modified version of the 2006 package which was sent to Iran by Britain, France, and Germany. During his recent visit to Tehran, Javier Solana submitted the 5+1 proposed package to the Islamic Republic authorities.

Regarding the Nuclear energy field, the package emphasizes on “Provision of technological and financial assistance necessary for Iran’s peaceful use of nuclear energy, support for the resumption of technical cooperation projects in Iran by the IAEA”, “Support for construction of LWR based on state-of-the-art technology”, and “Provision of legally binding nuclear fuel supply guarantees”. With respect to the political field, the package emphasizes on “Support Iran in playing an important and constructive role in international affairs.”, “Improving the six countries’ and the EU’s relations with Iran and building up mutual trust”, and “Support for a conference on regional security issues”. The package also contains proposals in economic and agricultural fields, Civilian Projects in the field of environmental protection, infrastructure, science and technology, and high-tech.

In return, the group 5+1 has asked Iran to verifiably suspend its enrichment-related and reprocessing activities which have civilian and military applications.

The European Union and the United States declared that Iran will face further sanctions in case of rejecting the package. They have agreed to launch a new phase of sanctions against Iran if the Islamic Republic rejects the package. The new sanctions will include National Bank and Oil and Gas Industry.

Although the proposed package has been offered to Iran vis-à-vis suspension of its uranium enrichment program, the Islamic Republic has agreed to enter negotiation about the package but has not agreed to suspend its uranium enrichment program.

The group 5+1 package is an acceptable base for negotiation and its acceptance does not contradict our national interests and could resolve the nuclear program dispute. To resolve the dispute, it is in our interests that the Islamic Republic accepts the package, suspends its enrichment program, and engages in negotiation with the group 5+1 countries. The first topic of the negotiation could be the extent and conditions of suspension. The idea of enrichment by an international consortium which is IAEA’s idea as well and reaffirmed by the British foreign minister can specifically be discussed.

If Iran does not accept the group 5+1 package and closes all the negotiation windows, the nuclear crisis will enter a new phase. The new phase will intensify sanctions, unify Security Council members on imposing new resolutions on Iran, weaken the position of pro negotiation forces and strengthen the positions of those who believe that the only solution to the Iranian nuclear dispute is military action.

Contrary to Ahmadinejad’s claim, the international sanctions have seriously affected our country’s economy, increased the cost of raw material, interrupted or slowed down the exchange process, increased insurance costs, deteriorated investment in various economy sectors such as oil and gas, and caused high inflation and unemployment.

Our country’s economy is essentially oil revenue dependent. This dependence has increased within the last three years. If oil and gas sanctions are imposed, the economic crisis will intensify and more and more people will suffer as a consequence. The European Union and the United States are determined to apply more pressure on Iran. They are awaiting Tehran’s response to the package.

Currently, the nuclear dispute has entered a critical moment of opportunities and threats. Group 5+1 package has created an opportunity to repel the threats. The Iranian officials who are the ultimate decision makers on nuclear program should recognize this historical moment and recognize the facts that the current dispute will not be resolved by continuing the same old policy. They should recognize the importance of their role and responsibility in ending the crisis or causing more difficult situations. If the Islamic Republic misses this historic opportunity a new phase of international sanctions will be implemented, the Security Council fourth resolution will be ratified, military action against Iran will be more possible, and with sanction on oil and gas industry our country’s economy will be crippled and the responsibility of the consequences will be of Islamic Republic leaders, especially of the supreme leader.

We, as a left political organization who advocates freedom, democracy, economic development, social justice, and socialism believe that our national interests are in accepting the group 5+1 package. We ask all the political parties, social, cultural, and political activists, and social movements to put pressure on the Islamic Republic to accept the group 5+1 package as a base for negotiation and suspend its uranium enrichment at least for a definite period of time.

Political-Executive Board of the Organization of Iranian People’s Fadaian-Majority

June 22, 2008

بخش : English
تاریخ انتشار : ۲ تیر, ۱۳۸۷ ۱:۳۵ ب٫ظ
لینک کوتاه
مطالب بیشتر


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بیانیه‌های هیئت‌ سیاسی‌ـ‌اجرایی

حکم اعدام شریفهٔ محمدی را لغو کنید! شریفهٔ محمدی را آزاد کنید!

ما بر این باوریم که با مبارزهٔ هم‌سوی همهٔ نیروهای مترقّی باورمند به آزادی، برابری، مردم‌سالاری (دموکراسی) و عدالت اجتماعی در زمینهٔ حکم منفور اعدام نیز می‌توان ارادهٔ حقوق بشری قاطبهٔ مردم را به این نظام جنایت‌کار تحمیل کرد. ما هم‌صدا با همهٔ این مبارزان لغو حکم اعدام شریفهٔ محمدی را خواهانیم و هم‌نوا با همهٔ نیروهای مترقّی ایران اعلام می‌کنیم جای مبارزان راه بهروزی مردم زندان نیست.

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حکم اعدام فعال کارگری، شریفه محمدی نمادی است از سرکوب جنبش صنفی نیرو های کار ایران!

میزان توانایی کارگران برای برگزاری اقدامات مشترک، از جمله اعتصابات و عدم شرکت در امر تولید، مرتبط است با میزان دسترسی آنها به تشکل های صنفی مستقل و امکان ایجاد تشکل های جدید در مراکز کار. ولی در جمهوری اسلامی نه تنها حقوق پایه ای کارگران برای سازمان دهی و داشتن تشکل های مستقل رعایت نمیشود، بلکه فعالان کارگری، از جمله شریفه محمدی، مرتبا سرکوب و محکوم به حبس های طولانی مدت، ضربات شلاق و حتی اعدام میشوند.

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بیانیه ها

حکم اعدام شریفهٔ محمدی را لغو کنید! شریفهٔ محمدی را آزاد کنید!

ما بر این باوریم که با مبارزهٔ هم‌سوی همهٔ نیروهای مترقّی باورمند به آزادی، برابری، مردم‌سالاری (دموکراسی) و عدالت اجتماعی در زمینهٔ حکم منفور اعدام نیز می‌توان ارادهٔ حقوق بشری قاطبهٔ مردم را به این نظام جنایت‌کار تحمیل کرد. ما هم‌صدا با همهٔ این مبارزان لغو حکم اعدام شریفهٔ محمدی را خواهانیم و هم‌نوا با همهٔ نیروهای مترقّی ایران اعلام می‌کنیم جای مبارزان راه بهروزی مردم زندان نیست.

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پيام ها

بدرود رفیق البرز!

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بیانیه ها

حکم اعدام شریفهٔ محمدی را لغو کنید! شریفهٔ محمدی را آزاد کنید!

ما بر این باوریم که با مبارزهٔ هم‌سوی همهٔ نیروهای مترقّی باورمند به آزادی، برابری، مردم‌سالاری (دموکراسی) و عدالت اجتماعی در زمینهٔ حکم منفور اعدام نیز می‌توان ارادهٔ حقوق بشری قاطبهٔ مردم را به این نظام جنایت‌کار تحمیل کرد. ما هم‌صدا با همهٔ این مبارزان لغو حکم اعدام شریفهٔ محمدی را خواهانیم و هم‌نوا با همهٔ نیروهای مترقّی ایران اعلام می‌کنیم جای مبارزان راه بهروزی مردم زندان نیست.

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